The Gift of the Divine Will — God Wants to Live One Life With You to Make You Supremely Happy

Do you wish to live one life in common with God? Do you wish to be supremely happy, to be constantly over brimming with joy and peace, to possess God as the Saints in Heaven do; to perform divine acts continuously rather than human ones?

Gift of the Divine Will: Living one life with God Well, if you do, Ive got good news for you! God loves us so much that it always was His intention that we live with the gift of the Divine Will, that is, that we live one life in common with Him right from the beginning.

When He created Adam and Eve, He placed them in the Garden of Paradise, where they lived supremely happy. They reigned over Creation as little kings. They possessed sanctifying grace and the preternatural gifts of infused knowledge; freedom from every kind of physical evil, such as sorrow, sickness, injury, or death; freedom from concupiscence and sin.

Gift of the Divine Will: True Presence of God in Souls As great as these gifts were, they were given an even greater one, the gift of the Divine Will, which is the crown jewel of all the gifts. This gift of the Divine Will consists of the sharing with God His own Life, through an exchange and fusing of wills: we give our will to Him, and He gives us His Divine Will as the principal actor in all our acts. By letting God operate in all our acts, He lives and reigns in the soul as truly as He does in the Holy Eucharist.

Now, you may ask, what is the Divine Will? Well, it is pure Life, the vital principle which governs the light, love, and all the attributes of God Himself. It is the fountain of all grace and blessings.

One divine act of infinite merit Getting back to Adam and Eve, they lived one life in common with God. All their acts were performed in His holy Will, which made these acts perfect; and these acts gave perfect love, glory, adoration, praise and thanksgiving to their Maker.

Adam fails Gods test God, however, really wants to know if we truly love Him, so he asks of us a test: to give up acting with our human will. To Adam and Eve, it was not to eat of the fruit of one tree in the Garden of Paradise, and they failed miserably in this test. As a punishment, they not only lost the gift of His Divine Will, but all the other preternatural gifts.

Gods plan to restore gift of the Divine Will God, however, had a plan to restore this gift of the Divine Will to man. First, He decreed that His Son, the new Adam, would take flesh, live, suffer and die to redeem man from this original sin. This was accomplished through the cooperation of the new Eve, the Virgin Mary. But man had to merit this grace, and so it took the prayers, good works, and longings for the coming of the Messiah, by the patriarchs, prophets, and all the holy men and women, four thousand years to bring this about.

Luisa as first in the Divine Will Almost six thousand years after the creation of man, God decreed that the time for another new era of grace was dawning; that it was time to restore to man the gift of gifts, that of His Divine Will. Just as He chose to accomplish the Redemption through His Mother, the Virgin Mary, this time He chose another virgin, Luisa Piccarreta, to whom God gave this supreme gift of the Divine Will while she was only 24 years old, in 1889. Through Luisa, God wants to give this gift of the Divine Will to all who wish to receive it.