Luxury Corporate Gifts

If you have ever received a gift from a friend or an acquaintance that came as a surprise, it often sticks in your mind more than the gifts you receive at Christmas and Birthdays and other expected gift occasions. In my experience, as a supplier of luxury corporate gifts, the companies who are prepared to budget for clients and employee gifts tend to have fewer problems than most in maintaining their client and staff base. The reason being is simple, they know how to nurture relationships and reward performance.

For those reading this who are thinking about buying corporate gifts for the first time and are not quite sure what occasions and gifts would be suitable as well as finding out more about the importance of gifts to clients and employees then here is a little starter to help you on your way.

Perhaps the most important reason for companies to give their clients gifts as thanks for their custom is to distinguish themselves from competing firms. With competition between companies fierce in many industries, standing out from the competition is essential for survival as many business will be willing to undercut each other to get that all important first contract.

Also having your logo embroidered or embossed on garments such as wallets, scarves, or gloves is a fantastic branding opportunity for your company and adds a touch of luxury to your corporate gift.

As a rule of thumb, the season for client and employee gifts tends to be Christmas time but there are lots of other opportunities to gift. For example if a member of your staff has just had a period of outstanding sales or performance you may want to reward them immediately as a gesture of you appreciation.

In terms of what to give as corporate gifts, unisex items such as cashmere scarves and gloves are fantastic as they add a little luxury to these fail-safe corporate gift items. Food hampers are always received well, as are sporting event days however the last gift tends to be biased towards men and will cost you a lot more.

So there we have a brief look at the why, when and what of corporate gifts.

Great Gift for Deployed Service Men and Women

A unique and great gift for soldiers, sailors, Marines or any of our deployed military personnel is a piece of their favorite country, America. This is especially true for overseas military personnel especially in Iraq, Pakistan or Afghanistan. You can now give the most memorable gift possible, a deed to land in every state of America. You can give the gift of a lifetime to your treasured deployed military loves one. You can offer them the ability to be called a “Donald Trump” on a much smaller scale. This unusual and unique gift will be a treasure for a lifetime which can be later displayed in an office or a home. This is the perfect “made in America” gift for soldiers, sailors, Marines and for any of our other deployed military personnel. You can enjoy giving them a true American gift in its most special form, a deed to American soil.

This is a gift that will be enjoyed by your deployed military loved one. This gift is a deed that will be enjoyed as a conversation piece and as a bragging right by your deployed husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend or any loved one. This property is one that will never need to be mowed, raked or cleaned up. This property will never require paying of taxes. What a great gift for deployed soldier, sailors, marines or other deployed military personnel who long for American soil and dream of the day that they will return to the land that they love and serve with the very gift of servant hood as an American soldier in the military.

Your soldier will enjoy the bragging rights of one square inch of American soil in this state or states that you choose. Many of us have seen the display of great joy that our soldiers experience when returning home along with their expression of the desire to kneel down and kiss the very ground that we so commonly stand on and often take for granted. American soil is of great value and is a treasure that our soldiers, sailors, Marines and any other of our deployed military personnel do not take for granted; they treasure the very ground you walk on and they love the American flag with the tenacity that they used to serve our nation daily.

Top Tips for Fathers Day Gifts

Fathers Day is a significant day for both Dads and children alike. Year after year however, it can get a bit tedious to figure out what exactly to do to make this Fathers Day an extra special day.

Here are some top tips to make your Dad’s day an extra memorable and unique day:

1. Do it Homemade

What Dad doesn’t like sweet things? Make him his favourite dessert or snack. If he loves to barbeque, why not buy a blank apron, dig out the fabric paints, and design a bbq apron your Dad will be proud of? Rather than buying a card to go with your present, why not make your own? Make it unique with pop-ups, fancy designs, and maybe even a pocket of vouchers of things you will do for Dad this Fathers Day!

2. Take it out of the Gift Wrapped Box

Who says that gifts for Dad have to be wrapped up neatly in a box with a bow on top? Sometimes the best gifts are those ones that are out of the ordinary. Give an adventure gift, whether it be sky diving, hot air ballooning, whale watching, scuba diving, or mountain hiking. Or go to a winery together or a fancy dinner in the city. Whatever you choose to do, make it something that you would not normally do, whether it be because of time or cost, or simply because it’s just not a part of your regular routine.

3. Make it Interesting!

There’s nothing worse than getting a present that you have absolutely no interest in. To avoid this, make a list of your Dad’s top interests, hobbies, sports, and common conversation topics. Find out what he’s interested in, and tailor your Fathers Day gifts to match those interests. Also consider his occupation my Dad is an engineer, so he loves figuring things out, number puzzles, and anything that requires problem solving. What car does he drive? Does he have a desk job or does he love the outdoors? What does he tend to do in his free time? If he has a Harley motorbike, you don’t have to get him all the expensive gear to go with it (though he’d undoubtedly love it if you did!) – there are plenty of other Harley memorabilia that would feed his passions, such as mugs, keyrings, beer steins with the Harley logo, etc. Don’t break your budget with these Fathers Day gifts, just consider a few of his unique interests and you’ll be able to come up with a perfect idea for him.

4. Give Memories

Make special memories with Dad and the rest of the family. Go for a family game of mini golf, take a trip to the beach, take a picnic to the park, or go for an ice cream or coffee just the two of you. Taking a walk together may be simple, but it shows your Dad that you value time with him and are making it a priority. Take the opportunity to ask your Dad questions about what it was like for him growing up, what major changes he’s seen in his lifetime, and what advice he can give you.

5. Gift Vouchers

Everybody says that vouchers and gift cards are boring and it feels like the giver hasn’t given time or thought into the gift. Change the common perception! Give tickets to his favourite sporting event, but give a small piece of his team’s merchandise with it so he has something to unwrap on the day. Make him go on a treasure hunt for his gift card. Or give him a gift card and say that you want to come with him when he spends it and just hang out with him and have a coffee together when you’re both done.

The top keys to giving great Fathers Day gifts is really in creating something unique and tailored specifically for your Dad’s interests. Think outside the box, and have fun creating memories this Fathers Day!

Birthday Gifts to celebrate Birthdays

Birthday gifts make a birthday party livelier and show the person that you have remembered and cared for him / her. Birthday gifts are very personal so one must be careful while making a choice. Now it is easy to shop online and send birthday gift to India.

You can shop online as per your budget and your relationship with the person. Most websites will allow you to ship it also to that person. Let us look at some birthday gift ideas in this article.

You can pick stuff that person likes. A birthday gift idea for music lovers will be old records, DVD Player, audio accessory from Bose or a music player. If you have been on a fishing trip with your friend, choose a good rod for him / her. You can send a box of chocolates as a birthday gift to India.

If you know that the person is fond or dancing or reading, you can send books and DVD as birthday gifts to India using Internet. Internet has made shopping easy, safe and secure. If you have adequate budget, you can assemble a full set like popcorn, bowl and then send all of these as birthday gifts to India.

For a lady, you can send diamonds, spa sets, buy coupons for a nice spa and send as birthday gifts. A bunch of best flowers arranged nicely also is a great birthday gift idea. For those who like their drinks send a nice bottle of wine. They are very popular birthday gift ideas. For kids you can consider craft books, craft sets or other such instructive stuff. You can also pick books by writers like JK Rowling, CS Lewis etc.

Birthday gift ideas are aplenty but you must consider only when you have thought about the person to whom you want to send it. His / her age, personality will play a major role in what you select. A thoughtful birthday gift to India will mean a lot to your friend. Just log in to internet and you can pick up the best birthday gift based on above ideas.

Some Things You Need to Know About Wedding Gifts

There are still some questions raised, about giving wedding gifts, here are most of them. A wedding invitation arrives and with it is information of the store and their wish list in bridal registry, where the couple listed gifts that they would like to receive. What shall the guest do if they are not planning to attend the wedding?

If you do not plan to attend the wedding celebration, its ok not to buy gifts, but it will be nice, if you send one , whether youre attending or not.

If you receive a wedding invitation with the couples bridal registry wish list, it doesnt mean that you need to buy the wedding gifts listed there. Although it would be a favor for the couple to get what they wished for it doesnt mean that your gift is not as valuable to them.

Helping the couple out by buying wedding gifts that they can use for the wedding celebration like, providing for the wedding cake, floral arrangements, wedding souvenirs, wedding cufflinks and so on. Is equally welcome and will be cherished by the couple.

Choosing a memorable wedding gift can be hard sometimes but there are a lot of options on how you can achieve it. One of them is personalizing your gift, you can choose to put the bride and grooms name and the date of celebration on the gift itself like the , Cake Servers, Unity Candles, Toasting Flutes, a pair of pens, hankies , ring bearer pillow, cake tops, wedding cufflinks etc. But this is not meant as a surprise wedding gift, you need to consult the couple if they have already provided for this, otherwise the gift will be useless on the wedding day. So it would be better if you ask them or let them choose the items themselves.

Regarding online shopping, it would be the easiest and most convenient way to choose a gift for the bride and the groom. There are thousands of possible wedding gifts ideas that can be seen online. Plus you will have a lot of time to think things over before doing the actual purchase. The bride and the groom can actually participate on this if you want them too.

Bringing the wedding gift in the wedding venue is not recommended, first of all, it is not secured and the couple or their family doesnt have any time to spare in making the gifts secure. So sending the wedding gift to the couples residence is recommended. If a couple plans to give each other a wedding gift, this should be given after they are presented as a couple and before lighting the unity candle.

There couples who wants to give something special to their respective children in the blended family setting. It would make them feel special if you welcoming them is a part of the wedding program. It would make the occasion special.